Years ago Tina Turner asked “What’s love got to do with it?” In this video you will see love like you’ve never seen it before and find out just how quintessential love is to overall success. And not just any kind of love, the kind of love that is the single most creative force in the universe that allows you to manifest your heart’s desires. This is a juicy one not to be missed. I go right under the hood by sharing a life changing experience I had a few years ago that lead me to truly tap into this co-creative power to manifest my dreams. The information shared here might very well surprise you and change your life forever.
[bctt tweet=”In this video you will see love like you’ve never seen it before “]
[bctt tweet=”In this moment you are perfect, valuable and worthy of all Good.”]
[bctt tweet=”Life is a mirror reflecting back to u how u r being in the world. What’s your reflection? #beYOUtiful #LevantayTV #Love”]
5 Steps To Raise Your Love Vibration And Achieve More

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So here is how I moved out of low, static energy and began vibrating on the higher level of love:
- I forgave myself for not honoring my truth.
- I developed a habit of expressing gratitude for what is and respect its perfect place in maturing me into who I am becoming
- I Embraced my inherent worthiness of all Good
- I Cleared my heart and spirit of un-forgiveness and negative vibrations towards others
- I committed to unconditional self-compassion
I have made these five steps into an ongoing practice and I guard my energy everyday by being mindful and surrounding myself with supportive and loving people.
In order to manifest the objects of your heart’s desires, you must know that you are worthy of receiving. This means being completely connected in heart, mind, body, and soul with the YOU at the center of your BeYOUtiful Life and hence you pay attention to and honor your desires. It dawned on me that there is a huge difference between self-esteem and self-love. Self-esteem is conditional and based in judgment while self-love is based in non-judgmental, unconditional acceptance that you are valuable regardless of what’s going on around you. “I want you to know that in this moment you are perfect, valuable and worthy of all good.”
So what’s love got to do with it? Everything!
If you think this is spiritual hocus-pocus then I have news for you because science now corroborates this truth. Ground breaking research has allowed scientists to measure human vibration using muscle testing to determine where they are on the vibrations scale developed by the late Dr. Hawkins in his book ‘Power vs Force’. On the scale heavy emotions like sadness, guilt or humiliation vibrates at low frequencies, while feelings like love, bliss and enlightenment vibrate at uplifting, high frequencies. Love vibrates at 500 and above. Raising your vibration is not just essential for your overall success and fulfillment it also impacts the world because as we each raise our vibration we help to raise overall vibration and consciousness. As we give ourselves more love we find that we start taking better care of our self and our bodies react to this positive energy with better health.
There is so much more that we can discuss on this topic so I am currently creating an in depth training on how to raise your vibration and manifest anything you want in life. Stay tuned and I’ll keep you posted.
In today’s Levnote I want you to know my beloved beyoutiful soul that in this moment you are perfect, valuable and worthy of all good.
If this video made you feel good vibrations please share it with someone who might also benefit because a candle looses nothing by lighting another and as we each do better we all do better.
To get more insightful tips like this that I only share in email join the BeYOUtiful Life over at And don’t forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel
I love to hear from you so share with us your tips on raising love energy and prioritizing self-love in your life.
Until next time
Cheers to the BeYOUtiful life
I absolutely LOVE this! It touches me right when I need it. And yes, we always seem to get the support from the most unexpected people at the most unexpected times….it’s the Universe saying, “You are worthy of better”. As hard as it is, we all need to realize this and once we can accept it, a whole new world will open up. Thanks for your video LeVantay! Love yourself first, then everything will fall into place. 🙂
Thank you for taking time out to comment. Your last line really brings home the message… Love yourself first and everything will fall into place…I might add…Love yourself first and everything will elevate! Thank you and all the best on your journey I will be here to continue to support and empower you.
Beautiful post here. I find to love myself more, I get rid of all the negativity in my life. Anything that’ll bring me down. When I wasn’t happy at my job, I left and started my own company. I’ve cut people out of my life who are negative magnets. And I feel no guilt whatsoever. It brings me peace of mind….and that is the most important thing right now.
Yes absolutely Jennifer. Thank you for taking out to comment. I read every comment and try to reply to each. Glad to be here to support and empower you with coaching and music
Love this! As always, great post! And just when I need it. 🙂 I’ve been feeling down on myself, and like you, I had gotten a call that kicked me into gear. She always seems to know when I’m feeling down on myself (guess it’s a twin thing!:)) But it’s true, we have to realize that we are all worthy of nothing but the best….and who can provide it best? We can! Ourselves. And I believe that once we make the change for the better, it’ll be like ripples in the water….it just goes further and further out.
Thank you Sasha. The universe certainly knows when to send us just what we need. Glad to be here to support and empower you with music and coaching
I really needed to see this today. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post/video. Not everyone has a circle of support, so it’s a blessing to find support and encouragement elsewhere.
I am happy this reached you at the perfect time…there are truly no coincidences. Glad to be here to support and empower you on your journey.
Good post here. And I checked out your beYOUtiful video…..lovely. Thanks for your words….you’ll help someone in ways you’ll never know. Bless you.
Thanks DJ that’s the mission I continue on with the hope that I will reach and touch someone somewhere. I appreciate your taking time out to comment and to watch my other videos. Sending Love and Light